Tuesday, September 30, 2008

tired and outlets

I knew they were tired today.  They kept playing bedtime and nap time.  Emma fell asleep while she was playing.

Don't touch outlets!
Josiah touched an outlet today and got in trouble.  Emma overheard me telling him how dangerous it was and decided to make the most of the teachable moment with this statement to him: "Yes Josiah.  That isn't safe.  It could kill you.  Daddy would come home from work and ask where you were and we would have to say dead."  Is that normal?


Heather of the EO said...

Oh my...that is so funny. Sorry. But it is. I just love it when you quote Emma.
I'm sure it's normal. So matter of fact :)

Sara said...

Oh Emily that is hilarious. And not that I would know, but it sounds pretty normal to me. She's a straight shooter, that's for sure!